E&ECO is business alliance that features an executive management team of internationally experienced marketing, entertainment and media producers and creators delivering a high level of experience in cross media marketing and communications. We are targeting core values (health, responsibility, accountability) with three key divisions:

  • Entertain & Enlighten    films, short format programming, multi-media
  • Educate & Elevate         books, web resources, eBooks, workbooks, dvds
  • Eat & Evolve                    new food products, meal bars, wellness food systems

A feature Docu-drama is in development by Wenner and Lasky, titled "Change Our World" (Change Our Ways!).  A proposed cooking show hosted by the GardenChef® Paul Wenner will  be available worldwide and featured online prior to traditional television distribution. “POOF!” The Power Of Our Forks, is a health and nutrition book by Paul Wenner and Cherie Calbolm (The Juice Lady)  focusing on preventing cancer, healing diseases, finding healthy foods, alternatives to traditional meat and dairy based dishes and how to prepare them. The Conscious Food Division has developed a new brand of healthy and delicious foods for fast paced lifestyles needing healthy meal solutions. Coming soon!